CASE IN POINT: Recently I received an Email from Adam in Chicago asking for advice over a dispute he was having with his stager regarding the worked she had preformed. Adam wrote…
Hello Craig,
My name is Adam and I am having a disagreement with a stager I hired.
I am trying to sell a 2-bedroom condo in Chicago and recently hired a professional to stage the empty condo. The property is unique in that the living room is very long and narrow, which is why my realtor and I thought it was important to stage it to show its potential. This is the only living area of the property so it has to look like a living room.
We've since (the staging) had ten showings without an offer.
I had two friends over… both of them said is "this room looks like a hallway". They also said that the way it's staged does not show the potential of the living room.
I called the stager… and she maintains that the room is properly staged and that I need to respect her professional opinion. She discounts these opinions because she says she's the professional.
Do you have any tips on how I could deal with my stager?
Thank you very much,So that you have a complete picture of all that was done and how Adam's $1,000 was used to stage his property, I have created this short video show.