Much has been asked about the power of blogging. People want to know if it is "worth" it? They want to know if blogging generates more staging business... will it make them more money?
Well in order to make money your blog first be seen… and it looks like my rants & ravings about staging are being seen by others.
One of those “others” noticing and mentioning this blog is a cool site that until yesterday I never even heard of called Grow-A-Brain. In my opinion, now that I have seen it, Grow-A-Brain is on of the finest examples of how blogging by someone in the real estate industry can be done. As you read it… you are charmed, challenged, intrigued and taught.
AND did I mention it is written by a realtor… all I can say is if I was looking for real estate in Riverside California, I would definitely be giving Hanan Levin a call. "HE" comes thru his blog. THIS is the first lesson of my blog today.
The second lesson is much more personal and has a bigger payoff.
Upon my return from a weekend get-a-way tp Galena Illinois, I found an email in my box from a person whose name I did not recognize. The email started out,
“How weird is it, me finding your blog! I was on the 'Grow A Brain' site and your blog was linked there! How are you? I see you are still in Chicago, I am in Northern California, Gilroy to be specific…”
Here after nearly 20 years and lives that have taken us to different parts of the country a friend of mine from my high school years found me… thanks to blogging.
To say I was blown away… would be an understatement as I have tried to find this friend of mine numerous times, Goggling her name and finding nothing.
So, if you blog you may make money… and sometimes if you are lucky much much more.
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