I am “frustrated” because I see a huge need and want to help. There is so much that can and needs to be done, but right now our "industry" has been less then united or responsive to each other.
Yes... there are stagers who have acknowledged other stager’s skills and education differing from their own. But there are many who have seemed to have "drunk the cool-aid and joined the cult" and at times are outright rude, condescending and mean spirited. (Yudda Yudda Yudda… "petty bickering bunch." I am sure you are as tired of hearing it, as I am tired of writing it.) But this drives me NUTS... because I see greater possibility.
Lori Matzke, a staging industry leader and pioneer, shared her own thoughts, despair and frustrations regarding our industry when she once commented on one of my blogs saying...
"Though I think idealizing a more structured industry is a wonderful dream to have, well...so is world peace. Talking the talk until you're blue in the face and waving your fists in the air certainly brings the issue to surface. But...then what? You've made your point and raised the questions - now how about working on some answers? ...talk turns into nothing but lip service. And God knows, we already have enough of that going on in this industry!! ...why not pose the question, put your heads together, and come up with something constructive? I would love to see some positive results spawned by this debate. Maybe you and yours can help piece it together and get the ball rolling, or at the very least, heading in the right direction." - Lori Matzke
So I went to work "working on some answers" and began creatively being “constructive” as Lori challenged me to do. I began offering help/knowledge to any stager I could, sharing what I know.
And each time after I reach out to help a fellow stager, I get the same response. "I hope sometime I can return the favor." Then this morning it hit me! Here is how you can…
The words and the action is not just a way to thank. “STAGE IT FORWARD” embodies what I see needs to happen to finally get this industry united and growing.
- Staging-it-forward means sharing with others… COMMUNITY.
- Staging-it-forward takes our message out … MARKETING.
- Staging-it-forward encourages ongoing learning… EDUCATION.
- Staging-it-forward requires reaching out to others… UNITY.
- Staging-it-forward necessitates respect… STANDARDS.
Well, it may have taken me awhile… but I think I am on to something here. I hope my fellow stagers join me and…
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